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The Autumn Harvest Moon


No place could better suited for full moon viewing other than the timelessness of Kyoto.

Of all the year’s 12 full moons, the September full moon,

or harvest moon, is considered to be the most sublime. 


It is said that the moon viewing custom was introduced to Japan

from China during the Nara (710-794) and Heian periods(794-1185).

Moon viewing takes place on August 15th in the lunar calendar,and it is called “JUGOYA”, which means the night of the 15th.

JUGOYA in the present calendar changes every year and usually falls in September or October.

It’s said that the moon on that night is the brightest and the most beautiful during the year.


Sprays of susuki(pampas grass), which resemble rice plants,and other autumn grasses are displayed on veravdahs,along with neat clusters of tiny rice dumplings(tsukimi dango).

On a more public level, celebrations are held in temples and shrines.


There are many JUGOYA Festival in Kyoto on the 19th of September.